Our Momentous Moment

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November 02, 2013

Gatra Pertama, an Actualized Reverie


     To some people, a dream is just a dream, never meant to be realized. Yet to some, a dream means a lot more than fantasy. It means hope, a new point of view, a new platform to stand onto, a new achievement, something that could be accomplished if enough hard work is put to it.

     In Conjuction of 'Reflection' an event organised to appreciate UTP loyal partners, Gatra Pertama, The First Album of UTP Gamelan Group Sanggar Kirana, was officially launched on the 18th of Sepetember 2013 at IOI Marriot, Putrajaya by the Chairman of PETRONAS, Tan Sri Sidek Hassan acommpanied by Pn Juniwati Rahmat Hussin, Chairman of UTP Board of Directors and Datuk Ir (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim, Vice Chancellor of UTP.

     The night was absolutely brilliant though it was a closed event attended by invited guests, the give back from the audiences has never let us down. A huge round of applause at the end of every song makes us want to give out more, the same feeling when we perform while enjoying the piece to the audiences. And of course a lot of hurdles we had to faced together to get to this level, to having Gatra Pertama.


     6 months before, we had traveled to the south of Peninsular Malaysia to have our songs recorded, precisely at Hani Budi Studio Sdn Bhd, Batu Pahat. Johor. 10 days of recording seems too impossible for recording 11 songs altogether with two traditional malay Gamelan songs. But with determination each and every each of us, start at 8.00 a.m and ends at 4.a.m, we made the impossible possible.
     It was unbelievable at first but we did it. A lot of memories we gather here at Batu Pahat and within every minutes we are closer to each other. Between the members of course and also between our Supervisors. Laughters, Mee Racun, tears, Nasi Bukhara, Wall of Shame, 'sesuatu yang tertinggal', etc.
     The first day went very smoothly, not much of problems until the second day and so forth. Though it was very challenging having said, we managed. Being here at Batu Pahat for more than a week has  brought us together closer to each other.


     In the Grand Ballroom, our dream became reality.

     Gatra Pertama is indeed another achievement which is without scarification of time and concentration not only from us yet from our seniors to super seniors, our supervisor and manager Mr Ahmad Pg. Abdullah and Mr Nordin Abdollatip, our composers, Teuku Umar Ilany and Cikgu Zaidin, our coach, Amyra Farhana, Khairol Anuar and Fatin Nabylah, to UTP which provide us the platform to stand onto, and to all involve directly or indirectly, without you this dream would remain silently as a dream. Thanks to all.

     This is not the end but the beginning.